Friday, June 6, 2008

Blogsylvania Here I Come!!!

Well, since I didn't even get to christen my own blog (Michael... I will find out how you did that soon enough) we'll just begin with a few thoughts about blogging, shall we?

I've thought about having a blog for quite some time now... and when I say that I mean I've actually written posts in my head and they have comments and everything saying how funny/witty I am and that I should write for People/Newsweek/Rolling Stone and junk like that.

...sigh... If only that was a lie.

Anywho, here I am... blogging. Yup, it's gonna be great. I'm gonna ramble about stuff that mostly no one will care about and I will do it true Holly fashion, whatever that means. I'm excited to make my big break into Blogsylvania though. Take me or leave, but please don't actually leave me. I kinda like you and I know you kinda like me, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Here's to blogging!


goldfixe said...

It's about freaking time!!

Erin Masi said...

yay yay yay!!

nerak said...

I feel very good about this development. This way I can keep tabs on your life now that we no longer share such close quarters... You're ALL the way down the hall now... Sniff.