Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Leaf Fight!!

So the tree outside my parents house always has a ton of leaves that fall around December and the girls had never really played in them. So I figured M&K have a new camera, I want to get some pics for a calendar for my parents, they like to get dirty... it's a win win win.

The afternoon started off with laughing and silly little girls tossing leaves in the air...

See how cute is that?!

I was trying to get B to lay down so I could bury her in the leaves, so I was kicking leaves all over her and she just kept laughing at me. Priceless.

Then it becomes an all out leaf war. B is taking armfull after armfull and throwing them in my face and I'm throwing them back at her... the neighbors are laughing at us and K is taking pictures and then it happens... The Tornado from next door comes to B's aid and gets a sled full of leaves...

and dumps them on my head. Over and over and over again.

It's cool. I'm a big girl. I didn't cry or anything. I took it like big kid and took their sled and buried them in the leaves. The Tornado's mom asked if I could keep him under there, but there's no keeping that kid down.

I also had the idea of snow... well fake snow at least. Let's just say these are the two cutest pictures I got.

Oh yeah, and T loves puppies. Like a lot.

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