So the past few weeks I've been, how shall I put it? An ass, to say the least. I'm not talking about a cute little donkey either. I'm talking a whining, braying ass with a princess hat that bites and kicks... Not a pretty sight.
I'm pretty sure I've hurt some people close to me over the last little while and for that I have no excuse. Not a one. I haven't answered phone calls. I haven't returned phone calls or text messages or emails. I've even just down-right avoided people all together. I've just never had to deal with so much stuff at the same time and I'm not really sure how to handle it all. I know you're all thinking that all I had to do was ask and someone would be there for me. I realize that, but have you met me? I'm the independent one that tries to forget her stupid problems by doing things for others. Asking for help is not the easiest thing for me and with the inability to drive or even walk at a normal pace right now makes me feel more like a burden than anything. I'm not used to that and I don't think others should have to deal with it.
Now I'm not asking you to pity me for my situation right now, I'm just asking you to understand me for a minute. I now realize that I've been just plain rude to a lot of people that I care about and for that behavior I'm truly sorry. I have, however, noticed that it's a problem and have resolved to fix it. I thought it easiest to make a list of the things that I've thought of that I need to improve on. I've listed them here so you guys can keep an eye on me and if I start to go back to the way I was I give you full permission to kick me, yell at me, or just call me out on it.
-I will have a better attitude about my situation. Obviously I need to learn a few things here and complaining about it doesn't help.
-I will answer my phone and return calls, text, and emails in a timely manner.
-I will accept help from others when offered and will ask for help when needed.
-I will be more social and not hide in my comfort zone.
-I will be a better friend.
If you guys can think of thing else I need to add to my list, please let me know. For some reason I've been blessed with people that love me and I don't wanna lose that because of my attitude or behavior. So Loreena, Amanda, Julie, Karen, Mike, Kristi, Mom, Dad, Clint, Chis, and anyone else I may have hurt forgive me. I'm sorry and will make it up to you.